Wednesday -- arrival | Thursday -- Flattop Mt. trail | Friday -- Chapin Creek trail | Saturday -- Twin Sisters trail | Sunday -- Ute Trail | Monday -- Long's Peak (to Keyhole)



Ute Trail
Rocky Mountain National Park

Sunday, 10 September 2006

(Today's photos by Mike, Skip and Tom)


Ute Trail: relatively flat, but all above tree line, topping out at 11,700 ft with lots of knobs to conquer(?); curiously, lots of arm-waving throughout the day.

Some of the aforementioned knobs


Tucker, resting properly

More ditto


Tom playing dead...or just resting in the sun.

Skip in photo mode today (probably due to short, easy trail)

Skippy dancing on unnamed knob

Yes, more (yawn)

Yet another (my ears, my ears...eeee)

This one got exciting when Skip found that the rock he was standing on was rather...umm...delicately balanced; thus, it was the last of these for the day.

Mts Chiquita (left) and Chapin (right) of Friday fame